Your Right Hand

Do you need help starting a small business and setting up an LLC? Do you want to grow your business but don't have time to focus on all the paper work and bureaucracy? Do you want someone to help with team building and corporate travel? You've come to the right place!

Your Peace of Mind

Do you have a project that you want to get done but not sure how to get there? Do you need help organizing your thoughts into actionable items with scope, schedule and budget in mind? Do you know what you want but need someone to drive results? You found us!

Your Key to Success

Our sole purpose is to help you succeed. We don't do this to get rich. Our biggest satisfaction, both personally and professionally, is seeing others grow, prosper and be their best selves. Let us use our experience to help you go to the next level.

Save Money

Learn how you can save money and resources by streamlining your business and reducing financial waste. We can help you create ways to track your product and create roadmaps to make things easier.


Let us help you go from good to great!


Learn how to set obtainable goals, start a new business or better manage current projects and responsibilities. We can help set up LLCs, find the best business insurance and other necessities for running a successful business.

With progressively responsible experience in project management, client relationship management, relationship building, and continuous process improvement, we are confident we can make an immediate contribution in any organization. Our enthusiasm and love for working within a team-driven, creative, and stimulating environment makes us well suited to help you accomplish your organizational objectives. Let's turn your frustration into vision planning, goal setting, process implementation and operational efficiency.

We Provide the Following Services

Project Management Consulting

Business Services Consulting

Small Business Start-up Assistance

Corporate Travel Planning

Company Team Building

Executive Level Assistance

Our Team of Superheroes


Owner, Sr. Consultant

Project Management Professional, Certified Scrum Master, ITIL Certified, Cloud Essentials Professional with a Master of Business Administration. Strong qualifications in project analysis, scope development, vendor/supplier relationship management, resource management, project controls, regulatory compliance, multi-million dollar financial planning/forecasting, executive level documentation, corporate travel planning and small business start-up



U.S. Air Force Veteran trained in team building, team integrity and accountability, logistics, paralegal assistance, quality assurance, quality inspections, handling news media, anti-terrorism force protection measures, leadership training, operational efficiency assessment & planning, program building, inventory management, customer service training


Executive Assistant

Experienced virtual assistant that specializes in phone management, executive presentations, basic QuickBooks management, team training & development, calendar management, social media management, data entry, market research, documentation organization & management

I’ve known Chlarissa for several years and had the pleasure of working with her on a business venture a few years ago. With her expertise and leadership skills, she was able to provide sound business advice on starting my business, from brainstorming names to finalizing the business documents. She was very knowledgeable about the process and provided competent and reliable information, that allowed the business to become the success that it is today. I can attest that Chlarissa is the epitome of professionalism. She made sure she communicated every step of the way.
Keyanna W
Owner, Rock Town Laser Tag
Chlarissa possesses the ability to see the big picture while not losing sight of the details. She is organized, has strong collaboration and leadership skills and is able to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of chaos or in a highly stressful situation. She is a strong project manager and delivers results. I see her as an asset in any organization in a leadership role.
Cindy J
Colleague, Project Manager
Chlarissa, is a high-energy people's person. She is versatile, driven, bright, accomplished, strategic, tactical, quantitative, creative, and she is a finisher. I do not know where or how she finds the strength to give back to her community through her active non-profit foundations, execute flawlessly in her career as a project manager, obtain several degrees and certifications, and provide love and care to her family without missing a beat. Indeed she is a mission-focused individual with a goal of depositing good things back into the world.
Kenneth A
President, KASHER Capital
Chlarissa's success in project management has been characterized by common attributes in uncommon measure. Project management skills, of course; she has them nailed - scope, schedule, and budget were never in question. But her enthusiasm for her work, the professional demeanor she brought to each task, and her unparalleled relationship management skills set her apart from the rest. Chlarissa managed a very complicated authentication upgrade across some 1600 applications involving dozens of teams and multiple lines of business, each with their own schedule and challenges. She quickly established a viable migration plan, then literally "sold it" to each application team, ensuring they had ample time for testing in production and the lower environments before migration. Before she took over, this project was in a "yellow" status for the better part of a year, but in 8 short months, she delivered: on-schedule and under-budget due in large part to her ability to motivate the teams and keep them on-task. WIN! Other projects in the portfolio were challenged by documentation needs and that ever-present ticking clock. Chlarissa, in the midst of managing her own projects, jumped in and helped them to get the paperwork deliverables back on track, playing a pivotal role in delivering a successful $12M portfolio. WIN! Several base-funded efforts were stalling toward the end of the year and needed some top-notch help to carry them through. Identity and Access Management executives asked for her, by name, to lead this effort. WIN!
Michael C
Manager - Bank of America & Wells Fargo
Excellence Record
From banking and IT to business planning and entrepreneurship, our Consultants have built, worked with or consulted with the following companies:
  • Proven Track Record

    From banking to marketing to small business and training

  • Happy Clients

    We have excellent references from real world partners

  • Qualified Team Experts

    20 years of Small Business, Military and Corporate experience

Looking for first-class business consultants?
Book your consultation TODAY!

Basic Small Business Startup

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • EIN Registration
  • Small Business Checklist
  • 250 Business Cards

Advanced Small Business Startup

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • EIN Registation
  • Small Business Checklist
  • 250 Business Cards
  • Business Plan Assistance
  • Software Recommendations
  • Insurance Recommendations
  • Breakeven Analysis, Forecast Templates

Project Management Retainer

  • Assessment of Needs
  • 10 Hour/Month

Additional Services

Contact Us
  • Strategy Development
  • Team Building
  • Process Improvement
  • Corporate Travel
  • Executive Assistance

From small business ownership to fortune 500 experience to military precision, we have you covered. Now is the time to move toward your organizational goals.